Going to the Yard Garden and Patio Show in Portland Oregon?  February 17 through 19, 2012.  Here’s a discount coupon for you!!  Be sure to say hello so I can show you my new glass vases and garden ornaments.

 I’ll be in booth 1481 near the Hardy Plant Society area.

I’ll have wall pocket vases,

garden ornaments, fun bracelets, and more!

Portland, Oregon Convention Center  on MLK Blvd.  February 17 through 19, 2011.

Don’t forget, I’ll be in booth 1481 near the Hardy Plant Society area.

 See you there!!   

Icicles formed the first day of this January storm in the Columbia River Gorge and I realized I’d never tried to photograph one up close.

Looking through icicles hanging off our roof into the forest, I put on some rose colored glasses for my own amusement.

Then I got back to work, shoveling decks.  This side takes all my energy because snow falls here from the roof.

One side of our front deck before shoveling.  This is usually the last to get done because it’s a step down & if it doesn’t get shoveled, nothing is at risk.  My kilns are below the back deck, so I do that one first.

Heavy snowfall the first day, it was gray and dreary, but makes a pretty picture.

I needed a little color, so found my yellow glass garden fairy to photograph.  It was snowing hard, but you can still see her.

Day two of our January storm gave us 24″ of snow, overnight!  Treasure loved it!

Looking at the same half of my deck on day two, even my red glass ladybug is covered with snow.

My glass garden fairy is getting worried about the snow level rising!

Forging a path to the road where our cars are parked.  I throw snowballs, Treasure chases them.  All the way to the road.

From the front, my blue chairs are buried, but I can still see blue behind them.

Treasure chasing snowballs in the back yard.

Day two of the storm and I’m running out of shoveling steam.  Back to the rose colored glasses!

Everyone has a job to do during a snowstorm….well, except Critter.  “You can’t make me” is her mantra.

Thanks for stopping by.  Hope your winter is warm and toasty!!


Stop American Censorship

January 17, 2012

Thousands of sites will be dark, including mine, on Jan 18 from 8am until 8pm, protesting SOPA & PIPA, two US bills racing through Congress that threaten prosperity, online security, and freedom of expression.  It only takes a moment to click the link and tell your lawmakers what you think.  I did, I hope you will too.  And if you’ll share this message with others, maybe congress will actually hear us for a change!