Steider Studios:  Sun Setting.2.28.14

I entered my ‘Sun Setting Over the Columbia River Gorge’ photo in the Daily Depictions of Nature weekly challenge.  I would be ever so grateful if you’ll take a moment and vote for it.  Here’s the link:

You only have until Sunday.  It’s a quick, easy vote & you can only vote once.  Thank you!

“Oh I have a curly-head”, she said in a voice full of laughter with a big grin on her face as she tousled my hair and helped me out of the car.  We were a little nervous about meeting our new step-dad’s family, but Granny put us at ease with her big hugs, smiles and Welch’s Grape Juice.  That was my first memory of her and I’ll keep it in my heart always.

It had been a long two day drive from Washington to California where our new home was going to be.  She offered us cool drinks as she led us into her duplex just over the hill from where Dad’s sister and the rest of the family had gone to see the Dodgers play.  Her home was fashionably red and black Chinese decor, very lush yet comfortable with big mirrors.  There was a tiny back yard where we’d play with our new cousins very shortly.  She said everyone would be home soon and offered us more grape juice.

Her name was Clara.  She wore very high heels and had shapely legs.  She taught me to knit.  She gave us giant chocolate bunnies for Easter.  She brought home real silver dollars and chocolate coins for us every time she went to Las Vegas and gave me a charm bracelet with all the famous hotels dangling from it.  She let us eat a whole box of Sees candies at Christmas and didn’t make us stop goofing off at the kid table in the kitchen during all the big family holiday meals where we were segregated from the adults.

Time slipped by.  We grew up and moved away.  We kept in touch long distance with cards for all the appropriate holidays.  I wish I had gotten to know her better.  As a woman, not just ‘Grandma’.  Goodbye Granny, I’ll miss you.


December 20, 2009

…at the end of the tunnel…. Thinking of the song, ‘Sitting on the Dock of the Bay’… Spending time decompressing and watching sunsets… Resting and Relaxing!

This time of year my garden is way on the back burner.  I just finished my busiest season, producing enough work for not only the galleries and shops that carry my glass, but also enough work to take to the holiday art and craft shows, my studio sale AND my on-line store at 1000 Markets.  Whew!  Now for a few days of Resting and Relaxing!  And catching up here with you!!

No doubt you’ll be happy to hear that Treasure and I are well on the road to recovery after our misadventure last month. I’m so appreciative of all your comments, good thoughts and prayers.  It really helped me get through that difficult time.

Hope your holidays are filled with light, love, and laughter!  If your preparations are frantic, I hope you can take a little time to join me for a moment and enjoy the sunsets.

Thanks for stopping by….until next time……