Backyard Bird Watching

June 30, 2012

My ‘Triple Splash’ birdbath is a focal point in this garden section where I love to sit and watch a ballet of birds.  When I turn the sprinklers on, the baths fill and our birds have a party.  Their songs fill our neighborhood.

As I was photographing my current garden project in progress, hummingbirds began buzzing by.  Maybe it was my pink shirt, but I changed my focus to them!  This little guy was enjoying nectar from a digitalis.

He then landed in my flowering cherry tree and posed for me for about two seconds….

….then buzzed back to another foxglove.  He almost blends in with the stem!

This sweet little chickadee was feeding babies…..

… there anything so sweet as the sound of baby birds when food arrives?

Sparrows are abundant now.  They chirp at me during my morning walk all the way down our road.

A Yulan Lily tree, right outside my kitchen window is a magnet for birds because it’s next to the feeders.

I love how sunlight can make a Pine siskin look so colorful.

Grouse are such funny birds.  They think if they don’t move I won’t see them.  I’m happy I could get so close.

Mama turkey clucks her chicks into being still and sitting low in the grass as I walk by.

She must have thought I was too close, all of a sudden they exploded up into nearby trees.

A family of Ravens has been quite vocal and staying close lately, drinking at our birdbaths.

I was thrilled to catch this one in flight!

My biggest thrill this month was a Western Tanager showing up at our birdbath.  I barely had time to grab my camera and shoot through the kitchen window.

He only stayed for these two shots…not the best, but I was happy to get them just the same!

Thanks for stopping by.  Oh, that project I’m working on?  I’m re-terracing my ‘Left Bank’ and will tell you about it soon!

What? It’s June?

June 17, 2012

I think the highlight of my month so far, was finding this Metallic Green Bee on my allium.  Maybe they’re common in other parts of the country, but I’d not seen one before!

Another highlight – my foxtail lilies are starting to bloom!

My Gas Plant (Dictamnus purpurea) isn’t as robust as it usually is, but I love it nonetheless.

On the other hand, this penstemon patch is crowding out into my path.

I have Siberian iris blooming….

…and my tall bearded iris will soon be in peak bloom.  See my new Tall Bearded Iris page under my plant list!

I have a colony of wild orchids in my upper shady garden.

And the yellow pouch flowers are well underway.

Here they are up close.  Calceolaria ‘John Innes’.

I love this little geranium, but love it’s textured foliage even more.

Speaking of texture!

Texture with color:  Heuchera, Georgia Peach!

Last for today’s entry:  Pink Fluffy Flower.  I know that deep in the recesses of my brain, I know it’s name!

Thanks for stopping by.  I’m working on a major renovation that I hope to post about soon!