Plant List Updates!

August 7, 2012

When I started this blog I had every intention of photographing and cataloging each and every plant in my garden.  As the years go by and I add to my collection of plants, I now see this as a daunting task.  I’ve had a page for My Plant List, listing all my plants in alphabetical order almost since the beginning.  If you haven’t noticed, I’ve finally begun adding sub-pages under it with photos of my plants!  Descriptions, growing conditions, etc. will have to wait for now while I finally begin adding photos.  Yay ME!   Above is a ‘Honeycomb’ Butterfly Bush, that you’ll also find on my new Shrubs and Trees page.

I think this is my favorite Heuchera ~ ‘Georgia Peach’.  You can also see it on my Perennials Page along with a host of other perennials!  Trust me, I have hundreds more to add….  Finding photos of all my plants is also forcing me to clean up the messy way I keep photos all over my computer – I am learning ‘o-r-g-a-n-i-z-a-t-i-o-n’!

This is my favorite Fritillaria ~ stenanthera, which you’ll find on the Fritillaria page under the Perennials Page.  It’s a ‘bulbous perennial’ and I wasn’t sure if I should have it stand alone or add a ‘Bulb’ page (which sounds horrific right now as there are SO MANY bulbs in my garden)…I can always rearrange later, right?

Miscanthus sinensis ‘Variegatus’ is on the Grasses page also under Perennials.  Many of my photos are detail shots because that’s how I love to capture plants.  Especially if they flower…unless the foliage is particularly interesting…and I can remember the name of the interesting foliage plant!

Speaking of foliage, Hosta ‘Aphrodite’ is on the Hostas Page…again, under Perennials.  Does it all make sense now?  I’d love to entertain your ideas on how I should list these extra plant pages!

‘Keeping up Appearances’, a Tall Bearded Iris is found on the Tall Bearded Iris page.  That’s actually the page I began with when my iris started blooming.  The next page I add will probably be day lilies since they’re blooming now and I’ve hovered over them with my camera for weeks!

Since I tend to ‘collect’ plants I don’t have ‘just one’ of hardly anything.  Eventually I’d like to separate out more sub-pages like the conifers from deciduous trees.  But for now, while sitting near the fan blowing cool air, escaping the hot August sun for a few hours I’ll just keep adding photos.

Thanks for stopping by!

Ornamental grass

'Morning Light' Miscanthus

The subject for September’s ‘Picture This’ photo contest at Gardening Gone Wild is ornamental grasses.  I’m once again throwing my hat in the ring as I’m known for not being afraid to take a risk.  The other participating bloggers have turned in magical photos and I’ve waited until the last minute, but here it is shown at the top.  ‘Morning Light’ Miscanthus coincidently shot in the morning!

Room with a view

Room with a view

Judging this month is Nan Ondra who’s written several books, only one of which I have but it’s a favorite ~ “Foliage“.  Her book  Grasses: Versatile Partners for Uncommon Garden Design is now on my list to acquire since I’ve found some ornamental grasses that I adore so I’d better learn more about them.

The prize is being awarded once again by High Country Gardens, another favorite!

Miscanthus sinensis 'Variegatus'

Miscanthus sinensis 'Variegatus'

I’ve only recently begun adding grasses to my garden as it took me years to dig out the football field of grass that once covered it.  A couple well meaning friends gave me ornamental grasses in the beginning stages of my garden, but they were thugs that wanted to run rampant, so I dug those out too.

Japanese Blood Grass

Japanese Blood Grass

Until the last two years I’ve avoided anything grass like the plague.  Didn’t even want to look at it in a nursery!  Now I have several varieties that are lovely and well behaved so far like ‘Northern Lights’ Hair Grass, ‘Shenandoah’ Switch Grass, Variegated, ‘Morning Light’, and ‘Cabaret’ Miscanthus, Silver Feather Grass and Japanese Blood Grass to name a few.  I’m sure I’ll want more after reading Grasses: Versatile Partners for Uncommon Garden Design!  Do you have a favorite non-invasive grass I should put on my list to buy?

'Cabaret' Miscanthus

'Cabaret' Miscanthus

Thanks for stopping in.  There’s so much more to tell you next time!