On March 12th a 9.0 earthquake and resulting tsunami hit Japan, wiping out many coastal towns.  I cannot fathom the heartache of those who lost entire families in this tragedy.  And I can’t stop thinking about it.

In the days that followed, I considered what I could do to help.  You can read my thoughts in this previous post.  As many of you know, I’m a glass artist by trade, so I decided to make some sushi sets to sell in my Artfire Shop.

I started by sketching some patterns and designs, then ran some quick small tests to see which I liked best.  After narrowing it to these three designs, I asked for help from my Facebook friends to decide which sets to make.  They had to be made in between previously committed projects and classes I was teaching.

The two selected designs were scaled up and made into 6″ sushi plates with matching sauce dishes.

When I posted results on my Facebook Page, my friend Katie offered sushi presses that Wayne (of Sticks & Stones) had made to go with my sets.  A perfect addition, I happily accepted.

The sets are $95 each and consist of two plates that are 6″, two cute little sauce dishes that are 3.5″ to 4″ and the beautiful 3 part Sushi Press.  A sweet set for two, I think it will be quite romantic using them!  Or for family fare you’ll need two sets.

Click here to purchase the set above (Whirl Design on Black)

If you’d rather have the Whirl Design on white, you can purchase it by clicking this link.

If you like the white background, you can purchase the Wave and Lotus Design with a click on this link.

And if you like the black background with the Wave and Lotus Design shown at the top of this post, you can click here to purchase it.

I’ve given my time and talent, along with Wayne and Katie Cordrey to produce these beautiful sets.  I hope you’ll consider purchasing one or two.  100% of your purchase price will go directly to relief efforts.

Did I tell you the carving on the sushi press is the Japanese character for ‘peace’?

Peace to you and yours.  xoxoxo

Winter Wonderland?

January 11, 2010

Or skating rink?!

I went out this morning to see if the ice has melted yet with my camera in hand.

I managed to stay upright and caught a couple magical moments in my garden!

The ice encapsulated foliage and berries were beautiful.

My smaller conifers were overladen with ice and I worry about their survival.

Ice laden grass …

…and shrubs…

Always looking for color, I found some in the branches of this conifer!

And in my Yucca.

Not to mention my Salix integra ‘Hakura Nishiki’.

And a frozen lavender glass star.

I loved how the pine needles frozen in place looked so windswept.

And how the tamarix branches looked like frozen fingers reaching out.

For some reason this clump of grass drew me in.

The frozen Joe Pye weed seems an apt place to say thanks for stopping by.  Until next time……..

I See Red…

October 15, 2009

Blueberry leaves

Blueberry leaves

…Red and pink, yellow, green and lavender that is.

Mountain Ash

Mountain Ash berries

I’ve fallen behind in my studio and garden.  While catching up in the studio, I looked up on Tuesday to see snow falling and realized Autumn had descended  …  without me!



After the rain melted the snow I went out searching for damage only to discover I almost missed the glorious fall color!  Oh I’ve enjoyed seeing the color changes along the roadsides as I travel here and there, but hadn’t been paying attention to my own garden.



I’d better hustle!!

Green Goddess?  Another Garden Fairy hanging about!

Green Goddess? Another Garden Fairy hanging about!

I have tools to put away, and need to clear out the water lines.


Barberry berries

Certain tender plants must be covered with straw if I want to see them next spring.

The pinks & purples of Poke

The pinks & purples of Poke

My glass and ceramic garden art should be packed up and stored.

Black Eyed Susans

Black-Eyed Susans prevail

I have a few homeless plants from my last plant shopping expedition that need to find a hole for the winter if I can’t place them now!

Single rose bud left after deer munched off all the leaves.

Single rose bud left after deer munched off all the leaves.

There are still a few daffodil bulbs that haven’t been put back in the ground yet.

Frozen Empress Tree

Frozen Empress Tree

And there are rock piles that need to be cleared out of the way, left from the last beds I dug.  (You remember, I have to dig rocks out of the soil before I can create new beds to house new plants!)

Lovely lavender beauty berries

Lovely lavender Beautyberries

And so I begin my panic that fall is once again here before I am ready for it.

Fall begins her descent...

Fall begins her descent...

Thanks for stopping by.  Until next time……