Think Pink Daffodils…

April 19, 2010

As promised, here are the pinks beginning to bloom!

Do these look pink to you?  I think we’re getting closer!

I know you’ll want to know:  I ordered these from Mitsch Daffodils in Oregon.  Tell them I sent you!

And the doubles are starting to emerge….I love doubles!

Because of my higher elevation, spring is later for me.  The following might have already bloomed for you:

There are still more to bloom, including pinks.  I’ll let you know if any are truly pink.

Thanks for stopping by!  Until next time…….

Sunny Yellow Daffodils

April 16, 2010

A frantic month of work has kept me out of the garden and in the studio, culminating in the Glass Craft & Bead Expo, a major glass conference and trade show, where I taught new groups of students the fine art of working with glass powders.  Returning to my garden is a joy beyond imagination where I can reflect and regenerate.

I knew my daffodils would be blooming, but was surprised and delighted this morning to find a butterfly!

I love the ‘Butterfly’ Daffodils….

This is Palmares, said to be pink, but it’s really not my idea of pink at all.

I am always searching for and ordering the elusive pink daffodil, and they usually fall short.

I end up with a lot of salmon that someone is calling pink.

Sometimes, it’s downright orange! Would you call this pink???

I admit to loving them anyway.  Who doesn’t love the cheery yellow harbinger of spring?

Especially since the deer don’t eat them!

I have other yellow flowering plants & bulbs growing that my neighborhood deer don’t graze.  I have a collection of Frittilaria…this is Raddeana.

Common forsythia…

My beds runneth over with dandelions!  My herbalist friends tell me to eat them, so I sometimes do.  Especially in a salad with other colorful flowers.

The tips of this Euphorbia can appear yellow at times, next to the gray leaves.

Back to my lovely daffodils.  They’re just beginning and I DO have some new PINK daffodils that haven’t emerged yet.  I’ll let you know if they’re really pink this time!

I also like collecting the unusuals like Rip Van Winkle.  I love having distinctive flowers that are different from my neighbors.

As more of my plants emerge, I’ll keep you updated.  Thanks for stopping by after my long absence!  Until next time…….

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