What? It’s June?

June 17, 2012

I think the highlight of my month so far, was finding this Metallic Green Bee on my allium.  Maybe they’re common in other parts of the country, but I’d not seen one before!

Another highlight – my foxtail lilies are starting to bloom!

My Gas Plant (Dictamnus purpurea) isn’t as robust as it usually is, but I love it nonetheless.

On the other hand, this penstemon patch is crowding out into my path.

I have Siberian iris blooming….

…and my tall bearded iris will soon be in peak bloom.  See my new Tall Bearded Iris page under my plant list!

I have a colony of wild orchids in my upper shady garden.

And the yellow pouch flowers are well underway.

Here they are up close.  Calceolaria ‘John Innes’.

I love this little geranium, but love it’s textured foliage even more.

Speaking of texture!

Texture with color:  Heuchera, Georgia Peach!

Last for today’s entry:  Pink Fluffy Flower.  I know that deep in the recesses of my brain, I know it’s name!

Thanks for stopping by.  I’m working on a major renovation that I hope to post about soon!

This is my busy season with work, so a leisurely visit to my garden is a luxury not often enjoyed right now.  I notice changes quickly along the driveway as I speed in and out making deliveries and picking up supplies.  Mostly I see a blur of brown with a tinge of green from conifers as I come and go.

Just a peek

My dog insists we take a daily walk, so I take a different route through the garden each day trying to catch hints of progress, or should I say demise as she pulls me forward trying to get me to move at a faster pace, more to her liking.

Come out where I can see you better!

Last week, as we re-entered the property, much to my surprise and delight I noticed a Red-breasted Sapsucker!

Red-breasted Sapsucker

I ran in to grab my camera & he waited for me! I snapped as many shots as close as I could get until he flew into the fir tree across the garden.


As long as I was there with camera in hand, I began searching for color and looking to see what else was new since I last explored.


The first to be noticed were maples changing colors and conifers.

Surrounded by angelsAnd conifers changing color.  My Dawn Redwood  will drop her needles soon.

Dawn RedwoodI see I forgot to put away my yellow chairs.  How could I have missed those bright cheery yellow chairs?

Yellow ChairsAs I looked up into the trees, I noticed all the berries still available for interested birds….

Poke berriesThe Poke berries,

Mt.Ash.BerriesMountain Ash berries,

RedTwigDogwoodBerriesAnd the few berries left on my Red Twig Dogwood.

Heuchera.Peach.FlambeAs my gaze shifted from sky to earth I saw my heucheras were still looking good, including my current favorite, Peach Flambe!


Growing near it more Liriope blooms were pushing their way up!

CyclamenAnd sweet little cyclamen!

Fall Crocus

Not to mention several patches of fall crocus still blooming!

ZebrinaAs I ambled further into the sunny area I was delighted to find Zebrina smiling at me!

NigellaImagine my surprise when I found this lone Nigella!  It is Autumn, is it not?  Someone forgot to tell her!  Or perhaps someone thought I’d like this reminder of summer, knowing I wasn’t quite ready for Fall!!

Cement SadFaceSad Face Cement block that I made several years ago indicates my reluctance letting go of summer.

Thanks for stopping by.  Until next time….