Mid May Musings

May 15, 2012

Taking a moment to breathe between weekend art shows.  I am amazed at what’s blooming in my garden.  I love these colorful Parrot tulips.

Pink fringed tulips are also favorites ….

…as are yellow, orange, and red tulips!  Blooming under my Magnolia tree.  With a glass garden fairy that I made swinging from a branch.

Little Chickadee oh so sweet.

Evening grosbeaks taking refreshment.

Epimediums are starting to bloom. I LOVE purple…..

…and pink!!  There are more, but these are my favorites.

Love catching these little hummingbirds at our feeders.

I must take 300 photos for every one that turns out.

Is there a secret to photographing hummingbirds in flight?

My Soloman’s Seal is finally multiplying.  I’ve waited several years for this to happen so I can spread it throughout my woodland gardens.

Back out in the sun my miniature iris are starting to bloom.  I love these little guys.

And these little guys.  The Goldfinches like to sip directly from the dripper at this birdbath.

That looks like a chair calling my name.  Try not to notice all the weeds, ok?  Until next time…thanks for stopping by.